Welcome to our English site!

A member of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), and deeply committed to the network of French-speaking telecommunications regulators (FRATEL) since its creation, Arcep is thus heavily involved in European and international dialogue. We are offering an English language version of our site to be able to sustain this dialogue with the entire ecosystem, beyond our national borders. On it, you will find all of our press releases, speeches, information about Arcep and its different departments, as well as all of our main publications, translated into the language of Shakespeare. You will also find links to other content that has not been translated, but which may be of interest to those of you who do speak French.

Arcep In Europe and Abroad


Find all the news of the regulation of internet, fixed, mobile, postal exchange networks and press distribution at a glance.

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« J'alerte l'Arcep »

« J'alerte l'Arcep »

Are you having a problem with your internet service? Your mobile coverage? A problem with parcel delivery? Newspaper delivery? Let us know!

« Mon réseau mobile »

« Mon réseau mobile »

aka "My mobile network". Which operator provides the best mobile network? Asses the top four operators’ performance in terms of coverage and quality of service.

« Ma connexion internet »

« Ma connexion internet »

aka "My internet connection". Which operator provides fibre access where you live or work? Look up operators, their access technologies and connection speeds.

Our maps and open datasets

Our maps and open datasets

See the latest quantified surveys, maps and tools for monitoring fixed and mobile connectivity through our open datasets.

Arcep is hiring

Do you want to help protect net neutrality, improve the networks, take action to further territorial connectivity, work on updating press distribution…? Engineers, economists, lawyers or just someone with a passion for these issues.

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Mobile coverage, fibre rollouts, net neutrality… Arcep delivers regular updates on the latest network news. Sign up and get hooked.

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