Looking for information?
The dedicated website for consumers is there to answer your questions.
Didn’t find the answer to your question on telecom-infoconso.fr? You can send a query by e-mail to the following address: consommateurs[a]arcep.fr
Are you involved in a dispute?
For all questions and complaints:
1 / You must FIRST, file a complaint with your operator’s customer service department.Your operator’s contact information can be found here: www.telecom-infoconso.fr/liens-utiles/
2 / Second, if you receive no reply from your operator’s customer service department, or if you are not satisfied with the response they gave, you can write to us (by ordinary mail), attaching a copy of the letter you sent to your operator. We will forward your request to your operator’s consumer relations department.
Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse (Arcep)
14, rue Gerty Archimède
75012 PARIS
3 / Third, after having filed a complaint with your operator’s consumer affairs department, and if you are not satisfied with their response or received no reply within 30 days, your complaint can be brought to the electronic communications mediator.
You can contact the mediator either through its website: www.mediateur-telecom.fr
or by ordinary letter to the following address:
Le médiateur des communications électroniques
CS 30342
Who is responsible for enforcing the Consumer Code?
The Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) is responsible for addressing failures to comply with the provisions of the Consumer Code, and enforcing consumer rights.
DGCCRF website
You can share your complaint with the Departmental directorate for the protection of populations (DDPP).
DDPP website
Write to us about the website
Questions or suggestions about the site?
Write to us at: com[a]arcep.fr