The internet, fixed and mobile electronic communication networks, data centres, as well as postal and press distribution networks constitute “infrastructures of freedom”. Freedom of expression, freedom to communicate, freedom to access knowledge and to share it, but also freedom of enterprise and innovation, all of which are key to the country’s economic development and cohesion within Europe.
Because it is essential to be able to enjoy these freedoms fully, national and European institutions work to ensure that these networks develop as a “common good” regardless of their ownership structure, in other words that they meet the highest standards in terms of accessibility, universality, performance, neutrality, trustworthiness and sustainability.
The genesis of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Postal Affairs and Press Distribution (Arcep) was the acknowledgement that independent state oversight was needed to ensure that no power, be it economic or political, is in a position to control or hinder citizens’, businesses’, associations’, publishers’ or innovators’ ability to communicate or trade. A neutral and expert arbitrator with the status of independent administrative authority, Arcep is the architect and guardian of communication networks’ status as common goods in France.
As network architect, Arcep creates the conditions for an open and decentralised network organisation. It works to safeguard the competitiveness of the sectors it is responsible for regulating, by promoting pro-investment competition. It provides the framework for the networks’ interoperability so that, despite their diversity, they remain easy to access and seamlessly interconnected. It coordinates effective interaction between public and private sector stakeholders, particularly when local authorities are involved. It provides the trustworthiness needed for data intermediation between different enterprises. It also creates the conditions for open and competitive access to cloud computing solutions for businesses.
As network guardian, Arcep enforces the principles that are essential to safeguarding all users’ current and future ability to communicate and trade. It oversees the provision of the Universal Service and assists public authorities in guaranteeing the most extensive access possible to high-quality and resilient networks nationwide. It ensures users’ access to clear and accurate information, their freedom of choice, and protects against possible neutrality violations on both the internet and in the press. More generally, Arcep combats any type of impediment that could threaten the freedom to communicate and trade on the networks or the free movement of data and, to this end, pays close attention to the intermediaries that are devices and the internet’s gatekeeper platforms. For the sake of generations to come, the Authority is dedicated to future-proofing digital technology and its uses, measuring the progression of its environmental footprint, and making sustainability a core tenet of its regulatory actions.