Viewing networks as a common good
Arcep is an independent administrative authority (IAA). Responsible for regulating the electronic communications, the postal sectors and the print media distribution, Arcep acts independently of economic stakeholders and political power.
Arcep in Europe and around the world
Find out moreAre you interested in protecting net neutrality, working to improve our networks, foster regional connectivity, modernise the print media distribution? Engineers, economists, lawyers or just passionate about the issues…JOIN US!
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Chargé de mission "affaires européennes" (F/H)
Au sein de la Direction Europe et International
Stagiaire “analyse, traitement et représentation de données” (F/H)
Au sein de la Direction Mobile et Innovation
Chargé de mission “régulation économique presse et poste” (F/H)
Au sein de la Direction économie, marchés et numérique