

Arcep is the France’s Electronic Communications, Postal and Print media distribution Regulatory Authority, with the status of independent administrative authority (IAA). The architect and guardian of the country’s internet, fixed and mobile and postal networks, Arcep works to ensure that these networks develop as a “common good”. Find out more about the causes that drive the seven members of Arcep’s Executive Board, and the tasks that keep the 170 Arcepians busy.  

Viewing networks as a common good

Arcep is an independent administrative authority (IAA). Responsible for regulating the electronic communications, the postal sectors and the print media distribution, Arcep acts independently of economic stakeholders and political power.

Our Mission Statement Our causes

Arcep Executive Board

The Arcep 2024 board : from left to right : Xavier Merlin, Maya Bacache, Emmanuel Gabla, Laure de La Raudière (Chairwoman), François Lions, Sarah Jacquier Pelissier and Marie-Christine Servant

The Executive Board

How it is appointed and how it operates

Our organisation

Figures for 2024

7 executive members
8 departments

Arcep’s organisation

Arcep in Europe and around the world

Find out more

Are you interested in protecting net neutrality, working to improve our networks, foster regional connectivity, modernise the print media distribution? Engineers, economists, lawyers or just passionate about the issues…JOIN US!

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14 rue Gerty Archimède

75012 Paris

+33 1 40 47 70 00

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