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Frequencies – French Overseas Territories
Arcep issues the winning candidates licences to use frequencies in the 1800 MHz and 2.1 GHz bands in Guadeloupe, in Martinique and in Réunion, and in the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2.1 GHz bands in Guiana, in Saint Barthélemy, in Saint Martin and in Mayotte
Digital Device Ownership and Usage
Digital Market Barometer: 2024 edition reveals that, on average, people spend a quarter of their waking hours on digital devices for personal use
Optical Fibre
Set-up fees for fibre to the home (FttH) last-mile connection in very high-density areas: the Paris Court of Appeal confirms Arcep’s Decision in its entirety
Fixed Broadband and Superfast Broadband Market
75% of internet subscriptions in France today are FttH
World Bank and ITU joint study commends Arcep’s pioneering work on measuring the ICT sector’s environmental impact
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‘Everywhere, for everyone and for a long time": Laure de La Raudière presents Arcep's ambition for 2030 at the 2025 Greetings ceremony
Flanked by members of the College Mireille Clapot, Xavier Merlin, Emmanuel Gabla, Sarah Jacquier-Pelissier and Marie-Christine Servant, Arcep Chairwoman Laure de La Raudière presented Arcep's ambition for 2030 and the Authority's best wishes to industry players on 21 January 2025 at the Sorbonne.
The latest publications

The state of the internet in France – 2022 edition (30 June 2022)