In March 2022, Arcep opened a trial platform in the 3.8 – 4.0 GHz band for manufacturers and market players wanting to experiment and test new 5G use cases. The aim of these trials is to enable industry players to appropriate 5G-related technologies, and public-sector players to construct a regulatory framework tailored to these needs.
Arcep has awarded 25 trial licences since March 2022, as part of its trial platform in the 3.8 – 4.0 GHz band
Arcep considers this trial platform to be a success, noting the diversity of the stakeholders involved, covering an array of economic sectors, including manufacturing, energy and health and special events, and this in several regions in Metropolitan France. Details of these trials can be found in the 5G trial platform dashboard on the Arcep website.

Arcep is extending the availability of this platform until 31 December 2023 to enable additional trials
Arcep has observed a still steady demand for conducting trials from 5G professional networks using these frequencies. Which is why it is extending the availability of this platform for one more year, up to 31 December 2023. The awards procedure for licences to use this trial platform will remain identical; in particular licences will be awarded for a maximum three years.
The 26 GHz band remains available for trials, notably to manufacturers and businesses from every sector
The responses to the public consultation on the future of mobile networks, which Arcep conducted in May[1], highlighted the interest that exists amongst certain market players to continue to test use cases in the 26 GHz band.
Arcep is therefore sending out a reminder that any interested parties can continue to request a licence to use 26 GHz band frequencies for the purposes of conducting technical trials, with no commercial purpose, which will enable them to use up to 800 MHz of spectrum, for a period of up to three years.
Associated document:
• Responses to the public consultation "Preparing the future of mobile networks" (.zip - 42 MB)
[1] Press release: