Communiqué de presse - Arcep


Olivier Corolleur appointed Arcep’s Deputy Director-General and Director of the “Fibre, Infrastructure and Territories” department

Olivier Corolleur has been appointed Deputy Director-General of Arcep. Starting on 29 November 2021, he will also assume the position of Director of Arcep’s “Fibre, Infrastructure and Territories” department.

A state industrial engineer, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and Télécom Paris Tech, in 2003 Olivier Corolleur was assigned to the Ministry for Industry where his first position was as secretary of the National Telecommunications research network, before heading up the task force for the creation of competitiveness clusters.

In 2007 he joined the Prime Minister’s office as chief of the Media Development department’s Communication Technologies and Networks bureau – which in January 2010 became the Culture and Communication ministry’s General Directorate for Media and Culture Industries.

He joined Arcep in 2010, first as the head of the Spectrum regulation and management unit, and Deputy Director of the Spectrum and manufacturer relations department, then in 2012 became the Director of Economic affairs and forward-planning and, in 2014, head of the “Internet and users” department.

In 2016, Olivier Corolleur became the Directorate-General for Enterprise’s (DGE) Deputy Director of electronic communications and postal affairs.

His appointment to the position of Director of Arcep’s “Fibre, Infrastructure and Territories” department will take effect on 29 November 2021. He will be succeeding Guillaume Mellier who has been appointed Director of Programmes and public policy support for the National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN).

What does Arcep’s “Fibre, Infrastructure and Territories” department do?

The "Fibre, Infrastructure and Territories" (DIT) department’s primary responsibility is fixed broadband and superfast broadband market regulation, which includes the solutions used by network operators and the wholesale products used to provide broadband/superfast broadband services in the retail market. To this end, it analyses the markets in question and implements and monitors market stakeholders’ resulting obligations.

The "Fibre, Infrastructure and Territories" department is also responsible for preparing the so-called “symmetric” regulatory framework that governs optical fibre network establishment and access, and for monitoring operators’ compliance with those regulations. It contributes in particular to defining and monitoring enforcement of the rules for sharing these networks, for the benefit of consumers (price, quality of service).

Second, it ensures Arcep’s relationships with the local authorities whose actions it monitors, notably in the area of regional development. It also hosts the group that serves as the liaison between the Authority, local authorities and operators.

Associated documents:

Download the photo of Olivier Corolleur in high definition

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