The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, has appointed Akim Ouralt to the Arcep Executive Board, as of 1 February 2025.
A graduate of Sciences Po Lille and the École nationale d'application des cadres territoriaux (ENACT), Akim Oural is currently President of the firm, Eymaak Smart Innovation. Deputy Mayor of Lille in charge of digital affairs, and Vice-chair of the Métropole européenne de Lille (MEL) from 2008 to 2022, he was also the Vice-president of the Association of cities and local authorities for electronic communications and audiovisual media (Avicca) for 10 years, during which he worked on regional digital development, as well as cybersecurity and AI issues. A member of France’s National Digital Council (CNNum) from 2013 to 2017, and President of the OpenDataFrance association from 2020 to 2023, his work has included assisting local authorities to create and leverage the value of open data solutions.
Solicited for his expertise in local digital solutions, Akim Oural has submitted three reports to the Government: the first on local digital policy governance, the second on the impact of local government innovation, with the support of SGMAP, and the third delivering a portrait of a uniquely French Smart City. He has also been involved in training senior civil servants at INSP (French National Institute of Public Service) and INET (National Institute for Local Studies). In 2019, he was named the Tech policy personality of the year.
Akim Oural will succeed Emmanuel Gabla, an Executive Board member since 1 February 2019. Arcep extends its most sincere thanks to Emmanuel for his invaluable contribution to the Authority’s work, for his expertise and his commitment, not least as Vice-chair of BEREC, the Body of European regulators.
The Arcep Executive Board is composed of seven members: Laure de La Raudière (Chair), Sarah Jacquier Pelissier, Xavier Merlin, Marie-Christine Servant, Mireille Clapot and Akim Oural. The term of office for former Board member, François Lions, has also come to an end. A new Board member will be appointed in the coming days. Three members of the Board, including the Chair, are appointed by the President of the Republic. The other four are appointed, respectively, by the President of the National Assembly and the President of the Senate.