Paris, 19 January 2016
The process of opening the market to competition is nearing completion: competition exists and the focus today is no longer on introducing competition but rather on stimulating and protecting it, as it is one of the country's vital assets. A new period has begun, that of the digital revolution. In June 2015, ARCEP kicked off its strategic review with the goal of identifying its new challenges and of rethinking its priorities, in keeping with the responsibilities entrusted to it by French Law and by European regulation. With the idea of taking a 360° view, the aim is not only to adapt regulation but also to ask how digital technologies can help the regulator better meet its responsibilities, including in the postal sector, and possibly change the way it operates within a State - platform approach. With a single goal in mind: helping France achieve a successful digital transformation.
An open, transparent and participatory process
To ensure an open process based on dialogue and collaboration, ARCEP enlisted both its own staff, to take part in in-house workshops, and all stakeholders through meetings, interviews and a public consultation that provided an opportunity to obtain feedback from the more than 40 responses. Members of Parliament were queried as well on their expectations. ARCEP also hosted a symposium entitled "Les barbares attaquent la régulation (The digital barbarians are at the gate)" in partnership with other regulators and "The Family" incubator.
Publication of a strategic roadmap
Structured around four cornerstones and three new methods of intervention, the final report lays out the Authority's strategic roadmap and includes its 21 thematic fact sheets. Its purpose is to translate ARCEP's strategic vision into clear, concrete actions spread out over several years. The period of reflection is over; now comes the phase of putting these ideas into effect.
2015 work programme: status report
On 24 June 2015, simultaneous to the launch of the strategic review, ARCEP presented nine courses of action to emerge from the 2015 work programme. Six months after it first began, ARCEP provides a status report on the work that has been performed and possible follow-up actions.
Linked documents
The summary of the strategic review (pdf - 252KB) (in English)
The final report (pdf - 0.98MB)
The detailed roadmap and its 21 fact sheets (pdf - 812KB)
The status report on the 2015 work programme (pdf - 333KB)
The manifesto of ARCEP (in English)
The new logo of ARCEP
The presentation of the findings of the strategic review conference 19 January 2016 at the Sorbonne:
The presentation (pdf - 883KB)
The video of the conference
Pictures of the conference and greeting
For memory
2015 november public consultation (pdf - 766KB)
Responses to the consultation (zip - 12.47MB) (zip)
Summary of the "Les barbares attaquent la régulation!" conference proceedings (pdf - 741KB)