Paris, 21 September 2012
ARCEP was queried on the terms governing the use of radio spectrum in the 155.6 MHz band for dog collars equipped with a GPS receiver.
The 154 -156 MHz frequency band was assigned to ARCEP by the national frequency allocation plan (1) and is open to individual licences that are issued as user requests arise.
These frequency licences are subject to an annual fee which was set by Decree No. 2007-1532 of 24 October 2007. For example: the allocation of a 12.5 kHz simplex channel in the 154-156 MHz band is subject to an annual licensing fee of around €3,000 for use within a 60 km radius, and a fee of around €14,000 for nationwide use.
ARCEP can issue licences to either physical or legal entities. To obtain a frequency licence, applicants must complete form number EN1702 which is available on the ARCEP website ( (doc - 182KB)). The completed form must then be submitted to the National Frequency Agency (ANFr) - which is in charge of examining applications on ARCEP's behalf - at the following address:
Agence nationale des fréquences
Pôle de Noiseau
34 B Route de la Queue en Brie
Départementale 136
For private, individual purposes, however, it would seem more appropriate to use devices that employ "unlicensed" frequencies that are governed by a general user licence: this spectrum can be used freely and free of charge, provided certain technical terms and conditions are respected.
For example, certain GPS dog collars employ the 433.05-434.79 MHz frequency band which is made freely available under a general user licence (2).
Additional information on the terms attached to the sale of radio equipment and devices such as GPS dog collars is available from ANFr ( which is the authority in charge of this issue.
(1) For more information, you can search the database on our website:
(2) Decision No. 2010-0910 of 2 September 2010 amending Decision No. 2007-0682 of 24 July 2007 designating frequency bands for short-range, non-specific devices, and setting the terms governing the use of radio frequencies in these bands, approved by the order dated 14 December 2010.