Communiqué de presse

ARCEP launches a public consultation on its regulatory priorities, and new approaches to regulation in the digital era

Paris, 13 November 2015

Today, digital is at the heart of Government, Parliamentary and European institutions' policies. This is why, on 24 June 2015, to coincide with the publication of its annual report for 2014, ARCEP kicked off its strategic review. To meet the responsibilities assigned to it by law and by European texts, ARCEP is rethinking its priorities by identifying those areas that continue to be an integral part of its mandate, along with new challenges that need to be met to guide the country through its digital transformation. It is also an opportunity to explore ways in which digital technologies can help the regulator better meet its responsibilities, and possibly transform the way it operates.

In other words: ARCEP is defining its own revolution! Anchored by its core responsibilities, it is taking a 360° view of the landscape, to better meet the challenges ahead.

Mid-point review and request for feedback

The success of this strategic review depends on the dialogue with the entire ecosystem.

Hence the aim of this public consultation, which sets out the core issues that ARCEP has identified up to this stage, following the work performed in-house, and later during the symposium held on 5 November on the topic, "les barbares attaquent la régulation (The digital barbarians are at the gate). The purpose is to gather feedback from market players and members of the public, with a view to publishing a strategic roadmap in January 2016. The ultimate goal being to make ARCEP's actions:

  • more clear, by clarifying the philosophy behind regulation;

  • more open, by developing cooperation with economic and institutional stakeholders, and digital industry stakeholders in general;

  • more useful, by identifying upcoming regulatory challenges, and listing regulatory priorities;

  • more efficient, by identifying new approaches and by making ARCEP's in-house operations more fluid.

This consultation will run until 4 December 2015. All responses, even partial, are to be submitted preferably by e-mail to the following address: larceppivote(@)

Launch of a dedicated website

A website dedicated to the strategic review is now available:

On it, you will find all of the latest information, key dates and milestones in the process, along with video testimonials from digital ecosystem stakeholders.

Linked documents

The public consultation (in French only)