Communiqué de presse

ARCEP notes the commitments taken by certain electronic communications operators in the area of consumer protection, under the aegis of the government.

Paris, 23 September 2010


The commitments made by electronic communications operators that are members of the French Telecoms Federation, or FFT (Fédération Française des Télécoms), in the area of consumer protection - under the aegis of Mr. Hervé Novelli, Secretary of State for Commerce, Craft Trades, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Tourism, Services and Consumer Affairs - come as the result of a status report produced by ARCEP on the application of Article 17 of Law No. 2008-3 of 3 January 2008, commonly known as the Chatel Act. The Authority published this report in late July of this year.

The measures taken by electronic communications operators mark a first positive step towards strengthening consumer protection.

In addition to this process, ARCEP is working with telcos and consumer protection associations on preparing its action plan aimed at improving relations between operators and consumers, and which will be made public by the end of November. This will enable the Authority to perform an initial analysis on the implementation of these commitments.

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