Paris, 24 January 2011
As part of its review of its analyses of the broadband and ultra-fast broadband wholesale markets, ARCEP is submitting the following documents to the French Competition Authority for its opinion:
- first, the draft analysis for market 4 (wholesale unbundled access to physical network infrastructure), along with a draft recommendation on the implementation of a scheme for increasing bandwidth by providing access to France Telecom's local sub-loop, which is also being submitted to public consultation today;
- and, second, a draft analysis for market 5 (wholesale broadband and ultra-fast, or bitstream, access)
The Competition Authority now has six weeks to render its opinion. Once it has received this feedback, ARCEP will submit all of the, possibly amended, draft documents to public consultation once again, while also notifying to the European Commission.
Linked documents
Summary of the public consultation of 27 July 2010 (pdf - 135KB) (pdf - )
Contributions received from stakeholders to the consultation of 27 July 2010 (zip - 11.99MB) (AFORST, Altitude infrastructure, Auvergne, Avicca, Axione, Bouygues Télécom, BT France, Colt, Eazy, France Telecom, Hubtélécom, Iliad, SFR, SIPPEREC, Wibox) (zip file - - 12 Mb)