Paris, 27th October 2004
Autorité de régulation des télécommunications (ART) wishes to review the experience acquired since 1998 in order to adapt the French telephone numbering plan :
- to the new regulatory framework defined by the electronic communications law of 10 July 2004 which transposed the "telecoms packet" into French law
- to the development of competition, the network technical developments and the new technologies such as voice on IP
With this end in view, ART is launching a public consultation.
The document looks to the future of the numbering plan, by questioning the sector about changes in the uses, the development of mobility, the technical constraints related to the numbering plan, as well as relations between the numbering plan and other addressing systems.
It also has a more operational section, which will be used to draft decisions in coming months. The call for comments deals with the following subjects:
- Interpersonal voice calls, including voice on IP, mobility, geographic and mobile numbers
- Numbers used to provide services
- Carrier selection prefixes ("E" AND "16XY")
- Numbers for general use
- General management rules
Contributions should be sent to ART by 26th January 2005, preferably via e-mail: ACNumerotation(@)
Linked documents
The complete version of the public consultation is available for downloading (pdf - 358KB) (pdf) Questions of the public consultation are available for downloading (doc - 259KB) (doc)