The Bichet Act provides for the creation of a mechanism of “balanced distribution” for the specific, unavoidable costs induced by the distribution of daily newspapers, between all publishers, of both daily papers and periodicals.
New calculation rules established by Arcep to provide market stakeholders with more clarity
The modelling work that Arcep began in 2020 to define the rules for calculating balanced cost distribution was informed by the sector’s stakeholders’ contributions to two public consultations: the first [1] on the fundamentals of the method used to calculate balanced cost distribution, and on the procedures for organising payment flows, and the second [2] on the balanced cost distribution model developed by Arcep. The contributions to this second consultation are also being published today.
The model detailed in today’s decision was designed to make it possible to calculate balanced cost distribution and to update it annually based on reliable data that can be easily verified by Arcep.
The goal is to implement in 2021, based on balanced cost distribution calculations for 2020
Through its Decision No. 2020-0742 of 8 July 2020, aimed at introducing temporary measures, Arcep sought to maintain, at least temporarily, the main principles of the existing mechanisms put into place by CSMP, which were based on provisional instalments with an annual correction. It had thus set the amount of the provisional monthly instalments due from each print media industry enterprise.
These instalments were due to be corrected once the amount of the equalisation was determined based on the calculation rules set forth in the decision that Arcep is publishing today. A separate decision will be made before the end of the year to determine the amount of the equalisation and of the corrections for 2020, as well as the amount of the new single instalment that will be in force for 2021.
Associated documents:
- Arcep Decision No 2021-2531 setting the rules for calculating balanced cost distribution between print media companies, pursuant to Par. 3 of Article 18 of Act No. 47-585, amended (“Bichet Act”)
- The six contributions received to Arcep’s second public consultation (from CELIN, FNPS, France Messagerie, MLP, SAEP, SPQN)
[1] From 17 December 2020 to 1 February 2021,