Communiqué de presse - Networks

Broadband And Superfast Broadband Networks

Arcep publishes a geographical survey of current and future fixed and mobile network rollouts

Directive 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Counci[1] assigns national electronic communication networks regulators, which include Arcep, the task of producing and making available an accurate geographical survey, detailing the status of network deployments, and fixed and mobile coverage forecasts. Arcep made changes to its data collection campaigns[2] to be able to gather new forward-looking information on rollouts, and thereby complete the data that are already available on its Ma connexion internet (My internet connection) and Mon réseau mobile (My mobile network) tools. The geographical survey being published today was made possible by the work of collecting data, ongoing communication with the stakeholders in charge of the rollouts, and verifying the information provided.

A detailed views of operators’ rollout plans

This survey provides the most accurate snapshot to date of current and future deployments, which the Authority was able to produce based on information collected from the players in charge of rollouts[3]. The survey also includes a regional atlas of FttH networks, which contains planned rollouts as well as deployment completion dates provided by infrastructure operators.

The data collected to compile this geographical survey are also being published as open datasets, and available for each municipality.

FttH rollout and copper network switchoff timetables still not in sync in certain areas

The geographical survey highlights those areas where, under the current status of rollout plans, FttH network deployments will not be completed within the timeframe that Orange has set for switching off the legacy copper network (commercial shutdown scheduled for end of January 2026). Arcep is thus urging all of the operators concerned to apprise themselves of this information, and to adapt their fibre rollout and copper network switchoff timetables, insofar as possible, to be able to ensure that FttH networks will be complete when the copper network is shut down commercially, in accordance with the regulatory framework defined by the market analyses[4].

Associated documents

For more information on the copper network switch-off

[3] If the rollout plans provided to Arcep are not legally binding commitments, per se, such as those made under CPCE Article L. 33-13, providing misleading, false or incomplete information, whether knowingly or as a result of gross negligence by the party in question, nevertheless constitutes a serious breach that can be sanctioned under the conditions set forth in Article L. 36-11.