Communiqué de presse - Mobile Networks

Frequencies – French Overseas Markets

Frequency assignments in the 2.1 GHz band in Guadeloupe and in Martinique: results of the positioning auction

The positioning auction for the assignment of the 2.1 GHz band in Guadeloupe and in Martinique was held on 14 January 2025.

As a reminder: the examination of the applications made it possible to determine the quantify of spectrum in the 2.1 GHz band obtained by each of the winning candidates in Guadeloupe and in Martinique, provided this frequency assignment procedure is brought to completion.

The purpose of the positioning auctions in the procedure for the assignment of 2.1 GHz band spectrum is to determine the sequencing of the blocks of frequency obtained by each winning candidate. The positioning auction concerned the location of one 5 MHz duplex block among the available positions in the 2.1 GHz band. These positions were as follows prior to the auction, in each of the territories of Guadeloupe and Martinique:

Position number




1920 – 1925 MHz

2110 – 2115 MHz


1925 – 1930 MHz

2115 – 2120 MHz


1945 – 1950 MHz

2135 – 2140 MHz


1965 – 1970 MHz

2155 – 2160 MHz

Déplacez le curseur pour consulter le contenu du tableau

At the conclusion of the positioning auction for the assignment of the 2.1 GHz band in Guadeloupe and in Martinique, the results are as follows:

  • In Guadeloupe, the firm Orange obtained position No. 2 for the sum of 500,666 euros;
  • In Martinique, the firm Orange obtained position No. 2 for the sum of 500,666 euros.

The firms Digicel AFG, Orange and Outremer Telecom will participate in a second positioning auction in the coming days, to determine the positioning of one 5 MHz duplex block amongst positions No. 1, No. 6 and No. 10 in the above table.

Associated document: