Communiqué de presse - Overseas area

Frequencies in the Overseas Territories

Frequency awards in Guiana, Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin: Results of the principal auctions for 700 MHz band spectrum

The principal auctions for the award of 700 MHz band frequencies in Guiana, in Saint‑Barthélemy and in Saint-Martin took place on 18 April 2023. For the procedures in Guiana, at the conclusion of the stage during which 5 MHz blocks of paired spectrum in the 700 MHz band were awarded in exchange for commitments, there remained two 5 MHz blocks of paired spectrum to be assigned. In Saint-Barthélemy and in Saint-Martin, all four blocks of spectrum in the 700 MHz band were awarded.

Results of the quantities of frequencies awarded in Guiana

The quantities of frequencies awarded through the assignment procedure for 700 MHz band spectrum in Guiana are as follows:


Digicel AFG

Free Caraïbe

Orange Caraïbe

Outremer Telecom

During the stage for awarding 5 MHz (paired) in exchange for commitments

5 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

Quantities of frequencies awarded during the principal auction

5 MHz (paired)

0 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

0 MHz (paired)

Amount to be paid at the conclusion of the main auction






Total quantity of frequencies awarded

10 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

10 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

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Results of the quantities of frequencies awarded in Saint‑Barthélemy and in Saint‑Martin

The quantities of frequencies awarded through the assignment procedure for 700 MHz band spectrum in Saint-Barthélemy, provided the procedure is brought to completion, are as follows:


Dauphin Telecom

Digicel AFG

Free Caraïbe

Orange Caraïbe

Quantities of frequencies awarded during the principal auction in Saint‑Barthélemy

5 MHz (paired)

0 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

10 MHz (paired)

Amount to be paid at the conclusion of the main auction in Saint‑Barthélemy





Total quantity of frequencies awarded in Saint-Barthélemy

5 MHz (paired)

0 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

10 MHz (paired)

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The quantities of frequencies awarded through the assignment procedure for 700 MHz band spectrum in Saint-Martin, provided the procedure is brought to completion, are as follows:


Dauphin Telecom

Digicel AFG

Free Caraïbe

Orange Caraïbe

Quantities of frequencies awarded during the principal auction in Saint‑Martin

5 MHz (paired)

0 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

10 MHz (paired)

Amount to be paid at the conclusion of the main auction in Saint‑Martin

 24 €




Total quantity of frequencies awarded in Saint-Martin

5 MHz (paired)

0 MHz (paired)

5 MHz (paired)

10 MHz (paired)

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Now that the quantity of frequencies that each candidate can obtain in the 700 MHz band in Guiana and in Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin are known, a single-round, second highest bid “positioning” auction will be held in the second quarter of 2023.

These auctions will serve to determine each of the winning candidates’ position in the 700 MHz band.

Procedure for the assignment of the block of 4.8 MHz (paired) spectrum in the 900 MHz band in Saint-Barthélemy

Upon completion of the examination of the applications, only Free Caraïbe and Orange Caraïbe were qualified to participate in the assignment procedure for the block of 4.8 MHz (paired) of spectrum in the 900 MHz band Saint-Barthélemy[1].

Upon completion of the principal auctions for the assignment of the 700 MHz band à Saint-Barthélemy, and provided the procedure is brought to completion, Free Caraïbe and Orange Caraïbe will have 19.8 MHz and 25 MHz, respectively, of low-band spectrum compatible with neighbouring territories’ frequency plans. Because the combination of these frequencies with the 4.8 MHz in the 900 MHz band resulted in Orange Caraïbe exceeding the cap on requests for low-band spectrum compatible with neighbouring territories’ frequency plans, stipulated II.6.1 of Document II in the Annex to Arcep Decision No. 2022-0723, there is no need to proceed with the principal auction for the assignment of the 900 MHz band.

As part of the current procedure for assigning the 900 MHz band, the results of the awarded quantities, provided the procedure is brought to completion, are as follows:


Free Caraïbe

Quantity of frequencies assigned as part of the awards procedure for the block of 4.8 MHz (paired) spectrum in the 900 MHz band

4.8 MHz (paired)

Amount to be paid at the outcome of the awards procedure for the block of 4.8 MHz (paired) spectrum in the 900 MHz band


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Associated documents


[1] Press release