Communiqué de presse

Introduction of READSL2 in France: the expert committee issues a favourable opinion

Paris, 27 May 2005

The Expert Committee for the introduction of new techniques on the local loop submitted a favourable opinion to ART today on the READSL2 technology on the local loop in France, under the conditions described in the opinion.

  • The role of the Expert Committee


ART formed the Expert Committee for the introduction of new techniques on the local loop in September 2002.


Chaired by Catherine Mancini (Lucent Technologies), this Committee is composed of France Telecom, operators using unbundling and manufacturers of DSLAM and DSL modems.


It is responsible for issuing opinions on the means of introducing new techniques on the local loop, while ensuring that the various authorised techniques are compatible.


Last October, the Committee issued a favourable opinion on the introduction of ADSL2+ at the distribution frame. A number of operators now propose very-high-speed offers based on this technology.


  • The READSL2 technology


READSL2 (Reach extended ADSL2) is an evolution of the ADSL standard which extends the reach of signals with respect to the "classic" ADSL standard for speeds of up to 512 kbit/s. It thereby improves the eligibility of high speed for long lines on the public switched network.


Using READSL2, operators will be able to offer broadband access (up to 512 kbit/s) to subscribers who had previously been located too far from a telephone exchange to receive ADSL.