Communiqué de presse - Overseas area

Mobile Network Sharing

Extension of Zeop Mobile’s roaming rights on the Orange network in Réunion: Arcep examines the amendment and calls for comments from the sector

In 2017, Zeop Mobile and Orange signed a roaming contract for Réunion when Zeop Mobile began operating in Réunion’s mobile market. This network sharing agreement structures Zeop Mobile’s ability to roam on the Orange 2G, 3G and 4G networks in Réunion for a period of three years, starting on 1 April 2019.

Arcep received an amendment to the contract governing Zeop Mobile roaming on Orange networks in Réunion

The two operators signed an amendment to this contract, which was notified to Arcep on 21 July 2021.

The amendment grants Zeop Mobile a three-year extension (April 2022 to March 2025) of voice, SME and high-speed data roaming on the Orange network, under the same technical conditions as the initial contract. The amendment also gives Zeop Mobile the ability to request two additional, successive one-year extensions beyond March 2025 for voice and SMS service roaming, and “possibly for remaining low-speed data tied to voice service use”. Each of these two possible one-year extensions will require a contractual amendment that must be submitted to Arcep for examination.

Arcep examines the amendment and invites comments from the sector

Arcep has the power to request that mobile network operators make changes to their network sharing agreements [1] when such an adjustment is necessary to achieve regulatory objectives [2].

To this end, Arcep is currently in the process of examining the amendment that Zeop Mobile and Orange signed in July 2021, particularly with respect to regulatory objectives and the mobile network sharing guidelines of 25 May 2016 [3].

Any stakeholders that so desire can send their comments to Arcep before 20 September 2021 to the following address: partage-reseaux[a]


[1] This power is stipulated in Article L.34-8-1-1 of the French Postal and Electronic Communications Code, introduced by the Act for promoting Growth, Business and Equal Economic Opportunity, which came into force on 7 August 2015.

[2] Mentioned in Article L. 32-1 of the French Postal and Electronic Communications Code (CPCE)
