Communiqué de presse

Publication of a map for tracking superfast rollouts across France: Arcep publishes a draft decision for consultation

Paris, 30 November 2017

Greater transparency, for more informed citizens and public authorities

As part of its data-driven approach to regulation, Arcep wants to create a map-based observatory of fixed access networks and services across France, in the same vein as the work that is already being done on mobile networks. The aim is to provide consumers, businesses and local authorities with a clearer, more detailed picture of the current status of network rollouts, and of future deployments as they occur. This approach is in line with the new directions the Government announced on 27 September of this year.

A map-based observatory will be introduced gradually in 2018

Information on available technologies, available bitrates and the status of current and future rollouts must be available right down to the local level, and made available to everyone.

The public consultation being launched today seeks to obtain feedback from Internet Service Providers' (ISPs) on the draft decision with respect to:

- The level of detail to be included in the maps that ISPs will be required to publish in future;

- Providing Arcep with the data used to produce these maps, to allow the Authority to publish its own maps on a single site that compiles coverage information on every ISP ("data unbundling").

Arcep will eventually make all of these files available as open data, which will in turn allow anyone to use that data and create their own tools. As with mobile coverage and the quality of internet access services, the aim is as much to inform users as to stimulate the development of a RegTech community that will enhance available content and services.

Starting today: a map of fibre to the home (FttH) rollouts, municipality by municipality

The process described above will necessarily be a gradual one. To begin immediately to improve the information being made available, notably by public authorities, today Arcep is publishing a browsable map - alongside its Q3 scorecard on broadband and superfast broadband rollouts - which depicts the status of FttH network rollouts, municipality by municipality. It can be accessed at:

Changes to the decision on gathering information

Arcep also wants to improve its monitoring of the superfast access market and network rollouts, and is therefore making changes to its decision on gathering information regarding the deployment and sale of fixed broadband and superfast broadband networks and services. To this end, it is holding a concurrent public consultation on the subject.

Stakeholders have until 4 January 2018 to submit their contributions on these two consultations.