Communiqué de presse - Data intermediation

The Data Economy and Cloud Services

Arcep creates a new dedicated unit and is now hiring, to satisfy the new skillsets set forth in the “Securing and regulating cyberspace” bill

The Law devoted to “securing and regulated cyberspace,” which is in the process of being adopted by the French Parliament, is set to confer new responsibilities on Arcep, to work on developing the data economy and unlocking cloud services.

A new “Data and cloud services" unit has been created within the “Internet, data, press, postal and user affairs” department

This unit's responsibilities will include:

  • The regulation of data intermediation service providers as defined by the European Union’s Data Governance Act;
  • Unlocking cloud services, notably in terms of interoperability and data portability.

New job opportunities are also being posted for the staff needed to complete this unit’s team (link below).

The Authority will draw as well on the expertise of the Economics, markets and digital affairs department’s “Economic analysis and digital intelligence” unit, to analyse the competition dynamic in the cloud services market, and to fulfil the pricing regulation responsibilities it may be assigned.

The sector’s stakeholders are welcome to contact Arcep departments, by writing to intermediation_donnees(@) and cloud(@) To be kept informed about the latest news from Arcep relating to data intermediation and cloud service providers, they are also invited to sign up for the News mailing lists on the Arcep website.

The “Business market” unit becomes part of the “Fibre, infrastructures and territories” department

The switch off of the legacy copper network and the necessary transition to fibre provides a unique opportunity to foster greater competition between operators, which will benefit every business in France and, more generally, the entire French economy.

To improve coordination amongst the teams and streamline communication between Arcep and operators, the “Business market” unit will become part of the “Fibre, infrastructures and territories” department. It continues to be responsible for the cross-cutting coordination of the regulation of all fixed and mobile telecoms markets for businesses.

Associated documents: