Paris, 24 November 2011
The European Regulator Group for Postal Services (ERGP) (comprising the national regulatory authorities (NRAs) of the 27 members of the European Union, countries of the European Economic Area and of countries applying for membership of the European Union) met in plenary session in Paris today, under the chairmanship of Joëlle TOLEDANO, ARCEP Executive Board member.
ERGP already one year old
The ERGP was established by a European Commission decision of 10 August 2010, to advise and assist the Commission on postal service matters. Its inaugural meeting was held in December 2010, making 2011 the first year of effective ERGP activities.
NRAs fully involved in the work
Subgroups worked on the allocation of postal operator costs; on universal service obligation net cost calculation and evaluation of a reference scenario; end user satisfaction and monitoring of postal markets; cross-border services; and access to the postal network and to postal infrastructure elements. With their massive response to the questionnaires circulated on these different topics and their active participation in subgroups, the NRAs have made a substantial contribution to this work.
Publication of documents
The first results of the ERGP's work concern the problems of regulatory accounting and consumer protection. Two reports were adopted - one on the common costs allocation and the other on the net cost calculation and evaluation of a reference scenario. They will be published for public consultation from 29 November 2011 to 18 January 2012. In addition, two documents on quality of service and end user satisfaction and on indicators for postal market were adopted. The ERGP has thus demonstrated its ability to become a significant centre of expertise on postal matters.
2012 work programme
The ERGP's work programme was originally drawn up for two years. Work on the topics identified in 2010 will be pursued in greater depth and expanded on in 2012 and 2013. The ERGP's work programme will be published for public consultation from 29 November 2011 to 5 January 2012.
Institutional aspects
In accordance with the elections held during the plenary, Göran MARBY, Director General of the Swedish regulator (PTS) will take over as ERGP Chair from Joëlle TOLEDANO in 2012. Given that Joëlle TOLEDANO's term of office with ARCEP has come to an end, Marie-Laure DENIS, ARCEP Executive Board member, will become Vice-Chair in her stead. Luc HINDRYCKX, Chairman of Belgium's regulatory authority (BIPT), will chair the ERGP in 2013 and act as its Vice-Chair in 2012.
A debriefing meeting on the ERGP plenary session will be held in Brussels on 29 November 2011 at 5.30 pm, at the European Commission (DG Internal Market and Services, 2 rue de Spa, Thierry Stoll conference room, Brussels). Pre-registration to the European Commission is required.
Linked documents
Current public consultations and the adopted documents will be available on the ERGP website from 29 November 2011: