Public consultations

Preparing the future of mobile networks (23 May 2022)

Ended consultation

From May 23, 2022 to September 23, 2022

The opinion of all interested parts is solicited on every part of this document. Contributors nevertheless have the option of responding to only some of the questions.

This public consultation will be open until 6 pm Paris time on 23 September 2022. Only contributions received by that deadline will be taken into account.

Contributions must be submitted to Arcep, preferably via e-mail, with the subject line, “Réponse à la consultation publique “Preparing the future of mobile networks” to the following address: CPfrequencesmobiles[a]

Otherwise, they can be sent by post to the following address:

Réponse à la consultation publique “Preparing the future of mobile networks”
Direction mobile et innovation
14 rue Gerty Archimède
CS 90410
75613 PARIS CEDEX 12

In the interests of transparency, Arcep may publish some of the responses it has received, excluding any information that is protected by business confidentiality. Contributors whose response contains confidential elements are invited to provide two versions of their contribution:

  • A confidential version, in which passages that may be covered by business confidentiality are contained in square brackets and highlighted in grey, e.g.: “a market share of [BC: 25]%”;
  • A public version in which passages that may be covered by business confidentiality have been replaced by [BC:…], for instance: “a market share of [BC:…]%”.

Contributors are asked to keep confidential information to a minimum. Arcep reserves the right to declassify certain information outright if, by its very nature, it is not protected by business confidentiality.

Additional information can be obtained by sending your questions to: CPfrequencesmobiles[a]