Communiqué de presse - Overseas area


Arcep publishes a supplement to its previous consultation on frequency allocations in Reunion and Mayotte

On 19 December 2019, Arcep published the public consultation on the allocation of 5G frequencies for mobile networks in Reunion and Mayotte [1]. The Authority received seven responses to this consultation, which is now closed.

Since then, the Directorate-General for Enterprise has informed Arcep of additional elements regarding coverage needs identified in Mayotte. Arcep therefore wants to obtain stakeholders’ input on these coverage needs.

This supplement to the consultation also pertains to the number of sites that will be required to meet coverage needs, and the operational constraints that may be tied to their deployment, and this for both Mayotte and Reunion.

The document being published today for consultation can be viewed on the web site. The deadline for submitting contributions is 24 April 2020.


[1] Press release of 19 December 2019:


Associated document