
Newswire and Press Releases

  1. Print media distribution

    Press Distribution

    Newsagent remuneration: Arcep invites the sector’s stakeholders to enter into business negotiations to increase the minimum commission rate at certain points of sale

  2. Operators

    Optical Fibre

    The Conseil d’État validates the Arcep decision imposing a penalty on Orange for failing to meet its “AMII area” rollout commitments

  3. Print media distribution

    Press Distribution

    Arcep sets the equalisation amount between press companies for 2023

  4. Mobile Networks

    Frequencies – French Overseas Territories

    Frequency assignments in Martinique and in Guadeloupe: results of the positioning auctions for 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band and 703 – 723 MHz and 758 – 778 MHz sub-band frequency assignment procedures

  5. Market analysis

    Fixed broadband and superfast broadband market regulation

    Regulatory changes for the 2025 to 2029 period: Arcep submits its draft plan to deregulate the market for wholesale central access solutions (“3b”) to the European Commission

  6. Arcep


    Mireille Clapot appointed to the Arcep Executive Board

  7. Digital

    Cloud Computing

    Regulating cloud computing services: Arcep launches a public consultation to present its initial guidelines and gather input from stakeholders along the cloud computing value chain

  8. Digital


    Arcom and Arcep, in tandem with ADEME, publish an unprecedented study on the environmental impact of audiovisual media consumption in France in 2022, and up to 2030

  9. Networks

    Future Networks

    “Telecoms with an IT core”, first briefing note published by Arcep after resuming its forward-looking cycle of inquiry on networks

  10. Mobile Networks

    Frequencies – French Overseas Territories

    Tender dossiers filed with Arcep for frequency assignments in Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Réunion and Mayotte

  11. Mobile Networks

    Frequencies – French Overseas Territories

    Frequency assignments in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz and 3.4 – 3.8 GHz bands in Martinique and in Guadeloupe: results of the principal auctions for the assignment of frequency packages in the 700 MHz and 900 MHz bands and 10 MHz blocks in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band

  12. Mobile Networks

    Mon Réseau Mobile

    Redesign of Arcep’s “Mon réseau mobile” site: beta testers wanted

  13. Arcep


    ENSAE Paris, the École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris sign an educational partnership with Arcep for improving public policies thanks to data.

  14. Arcep


    Ghislain Heude appointed Director of Arcep’s “Fibre, infrastructures and territories” department

  15. Figures

    Fixed Broadband and Superfast Broadband Market

    FttH: one in 10 premises still remains to be passed for fibre as of Q2 2024